Celebrating the Life Cyndi Boissoneault

On August 13,2022, beau Q Creations will be hosting a "Celebration of Life" in Memorial of our crafty friend Cyndi Boissoneault.

We will have tables available to craft. We will have her craft supplies for sale. (All proceeds go to the family).

We all know the saying "My biggest fear is that when I die my husband will sell my craft supplies for what I said I paid for them." Honoring that quote we will be offering Cyndi's Craft supply Collection for sale.

If you have any photos or memories of Cyndi you would like to share with us, please bring them with you as we will be creating a scrapbook in her memory for her Mother. Please bring in anything you would like to add to this memento. Create a page for her book, journal a memory, or just stop and join us in Celebration of Cyndi's Life with Crafty Family.

Please join us in crafting for the day or stop by to see what supplies we have available from her collection.



1 comment

  • So sorry I will be out of town and miss Cyndi’s Celebration of Life. Cyndi was such a nice, friendly person. I met her scrapbooking. I also bought Colorstreet from her and helped her make her quota whenever she needed it. For Christmas she started sending me the most beautiful handmade cards as a thank you. I will miss her terribly.

    Cathy Nelson

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